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Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Why it is Important to Choose Yourself Over Anyone Else - by Aarcha PB

Why it is Important to Choose Yourself Over Anyone Else?

KeywordsBelieve in yourself, Love yourself, Push Yourself, Love yourself quotes, Love for yourself quotes, to love yourself quotes. 

Staring at the ceiling, one cold December night, I asked myself if it would be alright to choose myself over any other person in my world. Struggling to drift off into sleep, unable to even shut my eyes, I lied on my bed- helpless, lost and broken. I kept telling myself, “It’s okay!”, “You are fine”. But my over analytical brain wouldn’t spare me. 

Believe in yourself

I was never anyone’s favourite. I had friends but no best friends. Whenever I saw some people dedicate their Instagram posts and stories to their best friends, I kept wondering what it felt like to be that special. But no, nothing like that had ever happened to me. So, losing a friend was never easy for me. I had a couple of them and losing one of them would be like cutting one of my fingers off. But there came a moment when I couldn’t compromise my happiness anymore. I was not comfortable with being around a certain friend of mine anymore. Perhaps we had outgrown the bond we had, back in high school. Perhaps our opinions clashed. Perhaps her comments hurt me. You must have gone through a similar situation maybe once, twice, if not more.

Believe in yourself

It is perfectly normal to lose people, to not be able to connect with them like you could before. But I was just an eighteen year old who knew nothing about the world. I felt it to be my responsibility to “save” our friendship. Little did I know that I could have possibly harmed myself in the process. I was in fact flying a kite in a hurricane.That night, while I lay helpless on my bed, I had no idea about how powerful my conscience was. But two years down the line, my conscience have taught me to stand up for myself, to love myself and to not let anyone else destroy my peace of mind. In our incessant struggle to please people, we fail to acknowledge ourselves. 

We are important. Self love is key. We do not need to compromise our happiness for someone else’s. And most importantly, it is not selfish to choose ourselves above anyone else. If you find the need to walk away from something or someone, do it! Don’t hesitate. Stop doubting yourselves. It can do you only good. Loving yourself and prioritizing yourself is very empowering. Why suffer when you can set yourself free? Talk to yourself! It is the best experience. Nobody knows us as much as we do. Maybe there is a tiny voice deep inside your heart, waiting to pop right out and make you happy. Talking to your own self is very therapeutic. It has the magical power to make any sadness go away. It is as liberating as crazy as it sounds. It can make you believe in yourself like no one else can. Whenever you feel like your emotions are getting out of hand, turn to yourself, for you will never be disappointed. There is surely a driving force hidden deep, within us. It will urge us to move forward. Do not let yourself drown in the sea of your doubts. Pull yourself out and move on!

Believe in yourself

Aarcha PB

About Author: Aarcha PB is a student pursuing an Honours degree in English who has an ear for vintage music. She writes poetry for fun and is passionate about reading. She hopes to pursue a career in Journalism.

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